Create Rmarkdown webpage on gitHub


Jürgen Wilbert


April 19, 2021

Short description how to create an Rmarkdown webpage and publish it on gitHub
  1. Create a new R Project:
    File -> New Project -> New Directory -> Simple Rmarkdown website
  2. Open new project
  3. Activate “git” versioning for this project (tools -> project Options -> Git/SVN)
  4. Edit the YAML file _site.yml:
    add the line: `output_dir: “docs”``
  5. Build website: Build -> Build all
  6. Change to Github Desktop
  7. Add repository: File -> Add local repository
  8. Click: Publish repository
  9. Open Github in Webbrowser and login
  10. Go to the new published repository
  11. Click Settings
  12. Go to menu Pages or scroll to Github Pages
  13. At the field “Source” select master
  14. Change select folder from \(root) to \docs
  15. click save
  16. Copy / remember / open the link to the new webpage that opens up! 16 Change to webpage project at RStudio
  17. Commit and publish all files [tab] Git -> Commit
  18. Change to the new webpage address you remembered/copied or opened! (probably wait 30 seconds and renew the page)

That’s it!