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The autocorr function calculates autocorrelations within each phase and across all phases.


autocorr(data, dvar, pvar, mvar, lag_max = 3, lag.max, ...)



A single-case data frame. See scdf() to learn about this format.


Character string with the name of the dependent variable. Defaults to the attributes in the scdf file.


Character string with the name of the phase variable. Defaults to the attributes in the scdf file.


Character string with the name of the measurement time variable. Defaults to the attributes in the scdf file.

lag_max, lag.max

The lag up to which autocorrelations will be computed.


Further arguments passed to the acf() function


A data frame containing separate autocorrelations for each phase and for all phases (for each single-case). If lag_max exceeds the length of a phase minus one, NA is returned for this cell.

See also


Other regression functions: bplm(), corrected_tau(), hplm(), mplm(), plm(), trend()


Juergen Wilbert


## Compute autocorrelations for a list of four single-cases up to lag 2.
autocorr(Huber2014, lag_max = 2)
#> Autocorrelations
#> Adam 
#>  Phase Lag 1 Lag 2
#>      A  0.18 -0.40
#>      B  0.00 -0.16
#>    all  0.26 -0.02
#> Berta 
#>  Phase Lag 1 Lag 2
#>      A  0.08 -0.52
#>      B  0.07 -0.36
#>    all  0.30 -0.01
#> Christian 
#>  Phase Lag 1 Lag 2
#>      A -0.07 -0.24
#>      B  0.53  0.40
#>    all  0.64  0.55
#> David 
#>  Phase Lag 1 Lag 2
#>      A -0.40 -0.25
#>      B  0.27  0.35
#>    all  0.45  0.47