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This functions takes an scdf and extracts design parameters. The resulting object can be used to randomly create new scdf files with the same underlying parameters. This is useful for Monte-Carlo studies and bootstrapping procedures.


  s = NULL,
  rtt = NULL,
  overall_effects = FALSE,
  overall_rtt = TRUE,
  model = "JW",



A single-case data frame. See scdf() to learn about this format.


Character string with the name of the dependent variable. Defaults to the attributes in the scdf file.


Character string with the name of the phase variable. Defaults to the attributes in the scdf file.


Character string with the name of the measurement time variable. Defaults to the attributes in the scdf file.


The standard deviation depicting the between case variance of the overall performance. If more than two single-cases are included in the scdf, the variance is estimated if s is set to NULL.


The reliability of the measurements. The reliability is estimated when rtt = NULL.


If TRUE, trend, level, and slope effect estimations will be identical for each case. If FALSE, effects are estimated for each case separately.


Ignored when rtt is set. If TRUE, rtt estimations will be based on all cases and identical for each case. If FALSE rtt is estimated for each case separately.


Model used for calculating the dummy parameters (see Huitema & McKean, 2000). Default is model = "W". Possible values are: "B&L-B", "H-M", "W", and deprecated "JW".


Further arguments passed to the plm function used for parameter estimation.


A list of parameters for each single-case. Parameters include name, length, and starting measurement time of each phase, trend, level, and slope effects for each phase, start value, standard deviation, and reliability for each case.


# create a random scdf with predefined parameters
design <- design(
  n = 10, trend = -0.02,
  level = list(0, 1), rtt = 0.8,
  s = 1
scdf<- random_scdf(design)

# Estimate the parameters based on the scdf and create a new random scdf
# based on these estimations
design_est <- estimate_design(scdf, rtt = 0.8)
scdf_est <- random_scdf(design_est)

# Analyze both datasets with an hplm model. See how similar the estimations
# are:
hplm(scdf, slope = FALSE)
#> Hierarchical Piecewise Linear Regression
#> Estimation method ML 
#> Contrast model: W / level: first, slope: first
#> 10 Cases
#> AIC = 305.8896, BIC = 322.3812
#> ICC = 0.004; L = 0.0; p = 0.870 
#> Fixed effects (values ~ 1 + mt + phaseB)
#>                             B    SE  df       t     p
#> Intercept              50.004 0.079 188 633.489 0.000
#> Trend (mt)             -0.024 0.009 188  -2.579 0.011
#> Level phase B (phaseB)  1.010 0.125 188   8.088 0.000
#> Random effects (~1 | case)
#>              SD
#> Intercept 0.088
#> Residual  0.501
hplm(scdf_est, slope = FALSE)
#> Hierarchical Piecewise Linear Regression
#> Estimation method ML 
#> Contrast model: W / level: first, slope: first
#> 10 Cases
#> AIC = 424.4159, BIC = 440.9075
#> ICC = 0.071; L = 5.4; p = 0.020 
#> Fixed effects (values ~ 1 + mt + phaseB)
#>                             B    SE  df       t     p
#> Intercept              50.068 0.120 188 416.805 0.000
#> Trend (mt)             -0.028 0.012 188  -2.254 0.025
#> Level phase B (phaseB)  1.011 0.165 188   6.125 0.000
#> Random effects (~1 | case)
#>              SD
#> Intercept 0.220
#> Residual  0.662

# Also similar results for pand and randomization tests:
#> Percentage of all non-overlapping data
#> Method: sort 
#> PAND = 84%
#> Φ =  0.573  ; Φ² =  0.329 
#> 200 measurements (50 Phase A, 150 Phase B) in 10 cases
#> Overlapping data: n = 32 ; percentage = 16 
#> 2 x 2 Matrix of percentages
#>        A  B total
#> A     17  8    25
#> B      8 67    75
#> total 25 75   100
#> 2 x 2 Matrix of counts
#>        A   B total
#> A     34  16    50
#> B     16 134   150
#> total 50 150   200
#> Chi-Squared test:
#> X² = 65.742, df = 1, p = 0.000 
#> Fisher exact test:
#> Odds ratio = 17.393, p = 0.000 
#> Percentage of all non-overlapping data
#> Method: sort 
#> PAND = 79%
#> Φ =  0.44  ; Φ² =  0.194 
#> 200 measurements (50 Phase A, 150 Phase B) in 10 cases
#> Overlapping data: n = 42 ; percentage = 21 
#> 2 x 2 Matrix of percentages
#>          A    B total
#> A     14.5 10.5    25
#> B     10.5 64.5    75
#> total 25.0 75.0   100
#> 2 x 2 Matrix of counts
#>        A   B total
#> A     29  21    50
#> B     21 129   150
#> total 50 150   200
#> Chi-Squared test:
#> X² = 38.720, df = 1, p = 0.000 
#> Fisher exact test:
#> Odds ratio = 8.360, p = 0.000 
#> Randomization Test
#> Combined test for 10 cases.
#> Comparing phase 1 against phase 2 
#> Statistic:  Mean B-A 
#> Minimal length of each phase: A = 5 , B = 5 
#> Observed statistic =  0.7679039 
#> Distribution based on a random sample of all 25937424601 possible combinations.
#> n   =  500 
#> M   =  0.3085513 
#> SD  =  0.06906004 
#> Min =  0.1427584 
#> Max =  0.5118563 
#> Probability of an equal or higher value than the observed statistic:
#> p   <  0.002 
#> Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test: W = 0.994; p = 0.037  (Hypothesis of normality rejected)
#> Probabilty of observed statistic based on the assumption of normality:
#> z = 6.6515, p = 0.0000 (single sided)
#> Randomization Test
#> Combined test for 10 cases.
#> Comparing phase 1 against phase 2 
#> Statistic:  Mean B-A 
#> Minimal length of each phase: A = 5 , B = 5 
#> Observed statistic =  0.7314301 
#> Distribution based on a random sample of all 25937424601 possible combinations.
#> n   =  500 
#> M   =  0.269875 
#> SD  =  0.07922479 
#> Min =  0.08001321 
#> Max =  0.5456197 
#> Probability of an equal or higher value than the observed statistic:
#> p   <  0.002 
#> Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test: W = 0.992; p = 0.013  (Hypothesis of normality rejected)
#> Probabilty of observed statistic based on the assumption of normality:
#> z = 5.8259, p = 0.0000 (single sided)