<- mplm(exampleAB_add, dvar = c("wellbeing", "depression"))
fit fit
Multivariate piecewise linear model
Dummy model: W level = first, slope = first
wellbeing depression
Intercept 48.417 4.200
Trend (day) 0.379 0.114
Level phase Medication (phaseMedication) 3.588 -0.945
Slope phase Medication (interMedication) -0.275 -0.165
Formula: y ~ 1 + day + phaseMedication + interMedication
Type III MANOVA Tests: Pillai test statistic
Df test stat approx F num Df den Df
Intercept 1 0.915 188.9 2 35
Trend (day) 1 0.055 1.0 2 35
Level phase Medication (phaseMedication) 1 0.033 0.6 2 35
Slope phase Medication (interMedication) 1 0.039 0.7 2 35
Intercept <2e-16 ***
Trend (day) 0.38
Level phase Medication (phaseMedication) 0.56
Slope phase Medication (interMedication) 0.50
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The following variables were used in this analysis:
'wellbeing/ depression' as dependent variable, 'phase' as phase variable, and 'day' as measurement-time variable.