9  Piecewise linear regressions

In a piecewise-regression analysis (sometimes called segmented regression) a dataset is split at a particular break point and the regression parameters (intercept and slopes) are calculated separately for the data before and after the break point. This is done because we assume that there is a qualitative change at the break point that affects the intercept and slope. This approach is well suited to the analysis of single-case data which are from a statistical point of view time-series data segmented into phases. A general model for single-case data based on the piecewise regression approach has been proposed by Huitema and McKean Huitema & Mckean (2000). They refer to two-phase single-case designs with a pre-intervention phase containing some measurements before the start of the intervention (A-phase) and an intervention phase containing measurements starting at the beginning of the intervention and continuing throughout intervention (B-phase).

In this model, four parameters predict the outcome at a specific measurement point see 9.1

  1. The performance at the beginning of the study (intercept),

  2. a developmental effect leading to a continuous increase throughout all measurements (trend effect),

  3. an intervention effect leading to an immediate and constant increase in performance (level effect), and

  4. a second intervention effect that evolves continuously with the beginning of the intervention (slope effect).

Figure 9.1: Illustration of the piecewise-linear model
The regression model

The default model applied in the plm function has the formula

\[ y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 (time_i-time_1) + \beta_2 phase_i + \beta_3 (time_i-time_{n_A+1})*phase_i \]


\(i\) := the session1 number.

\(\beta_0\) := the intercept.

\(\beta_1 time\) := the continuous effect of the measurement time (the trend effect).

\(\beta_2 phase\) := the discrete effect of the phase switch (the level effect).

\(\beta_3 (time-n_{A+1})*phase\) := the continuous effect of the phase switch (the slope effect).

\(n_{A+1}\) := the first session of phase B.

For \(\beta_1\) and \(\beta_3\), the time variables are shifted to start with a 0 at the first session of the respective phase.

scan provides an implementation based on this piecewise-regression approach. Though the original model is extended by several factors:

9.1 The basic plm function

The plm function call

plm(data, dvar, pvar, mvar, AR = 0, model = c(“W”, “H-M”, “B&L-B”, “JW”), family = “gaussian”, trend = TRUE, level = TRUE, slope = TRUE, contrast = c(“first”, “preceding”), contrast_level = c(NA, “first”, “preceding”), contrast_slope = c(NA, “first”, “preceding”), formula = NULL, update = NULL, na.action = na.omit, r_squared = TRUE, var_trials = NULL, dvar_percentage = FALSE, …)

The basic function for applying a regression analyses to a single-case dataset is plm. This function analyses one single-case. In its simplest way, plm takes one argument with an scdf object and it returns a full piecewise-regression analyses.

Piecewise Regression Analysis

Contrast model: W / level = first, slope = first

Fitted a gaussian distribution.
F(3, 16) = 28.69; p = 0.000; R² = 0.843; Adjusted R² = 0.814

                   B   2.5%  97.5%    SE      t     p delta R²
Intercept     54.400 46.776 62.024 3.890 13.986 0.000         
Trend mt       0.100 -3.012  3.212 1.588  0.063 0.951    0.000
Level phase B  7.858 -3.542 19.258 5.816  1.351 0.195    0.018
Slope phase B  1.525 -1.642  4.692 1.616  0.944 0.359    0.009

Autocorrelations of the residuals
 lag    cr
   1 -0.32
   2 -0.13
   3 -0.01
Ljung-Box test: X²(3) = 2.84; p = 0.417 

Formula: values ~ 1 + mt + phaseB + interB

The output shows the specific contrast settings for the phase and slope calculation (see below for a detailed explanation). Next, the overall model fit is provided. In this specific example the model fit is quite high explaining more than 80% of the variance of the dependent variable. The following regression table shows the unstandardised estimates (B), the lower and upper boundaries of a 95% confidence interval, the standard-error, the t-test statistic, the p-value, and the delta R squared for each predictor.

In this example, the intercept is the score estimation at the beginning of the study (here: at the first session, see Figure 9.2). The trend effect (variable mt) is 0.100. This means that for every one point increase in measurement-time, the score increased by 0.100. As this example has a total of 20 sessions, the overall increase due to the trend is \(19 * 0.100 = 1.9\) points. The level effect (variable phase with level B) is 7.858. This means that all scores of phase B are increased by 7.858 points. The slope effect (for phase B) is 1.525. This means that for every one point increase in measurement time after the first phase B session, the score increases by 1.525. As there are 15 Phase B sessions in this example, the total increase due to the slope effect is \(14 * 1.525 = 21.35\) points.

From these values each data point can be estimated. For example, the last session (\(i=20\)) is estimated to be \(54.400 + 19 * 0.100 + 7.858 + 14 * 1.525 = 85.508\).

scplot(exampleAB$Johanna) |> add_statline("trend")
Figure 9.2: Example dataset

9.2 Adjusting the model

The plm model is a complex model specifically suited for single-case studies. It entails a series of important parameters. Nevertheless, often we have specific theoretical assumption that do no include some of these parameters. We might, for example, only expect an immediate but not a continuous change from a medical intervention. Therefore, it would not be useful to include the slope-effect into our modelling. Vice versa, we could investigate an intervention that will just develop across time without an immediate change with the intervention start. Here we should drop the level-effect from out model. Even the assumption of a trend-effect can be dropped in cases where we do not expect a serial dependency of the data and we do not assume intervention independent changes within the time-frame of the study.

It is important to keep in mind, that an overly complex model might have negative effects on the test power of an analyses (that is, the probability of detecting an actually existing effect is diminished) (see Wilbert, Lüke, & Börnert-Ringleb, 2022)

9.2.1 The slope, level, and trend arguments

The plm function comes with three arguments (slope, level, and trend) to include or drop the respective predictors from the plm model. Buy default, all arguments are set TRUE and a full plm model is applied to the data.

Consider the following data example:

example <- scdf(
   values = c(A = 55, 58, 53, 50, 52, 
              B = 55, 68, 68, 81, 67, 78, 73, 72, 78, 81, 78, 71, 85, 80, 76)

Piecewise Regression Analysis

Contrast model: W / level = first, slope = first

Fitted a gaussian distribution.
F(3, 16) = 21.36; p = 0.000; R² = 0.800; Adjusted R² = 0.763

                   B   2.5%  97.5%    SE      t     p delta R²
Intercept     56.400 48.070 64.730 4.250 13.270 0.000         
Trend mt      -1.400 -4.801  2.001 1.735 -0.807 0.432    0.008
Level phase B 16.967  4.510 29.424 6.356  2.670 0.017    0.089
Slope phase B  2.500 -0.961  5.961 1.766  1.416 0.176    0.025

Autocorrelations of the residuals
 lag    cr
   1 -0.28
   2  0.05
   3 -0.11
Ljung-Box test: X²(3) = 2.14; p = 0.543 

Formula: values ~ 1 + mt + phaseB + interB

The piecewise regression reveals a significant level effect and two non significant effects for trend and slope. In a further analyses we would like to put the slope effect out of the equation. The easiest way to do this is to set the slope argument to FALSE.

plm(example, slope = FALSE)
Piecewise Regression Analysis

Contrast model: W / level = first, slope = first

Fitted a gaussian distribution.
F(2, 17) = 29.30; p = 0.000; R² = 0.775; Adjusted R² = 0.749

                   B   2.5%  97.5%    SE      t     p delta R²
Intercept     51.572 46.455 56.690 2.611 19.752 0.000         
Trend mt       1.014  0.364  1.664 0.332  3.057 0.007    0.124
Level phase B 10.329  1.674 18.983 4.416  2.339 0.032    0.072

Autocorrelations of the residuals
 lag    cr
   1 -0.07
   2  0.06
   3 -0.17
Ljung-Box test: X²(3) = 0.99; p = 0.804 

Formula: values ~ 1 + mt + phaseB

In the resulting estimations the trend and level effects are now significant. The model estimated a trend effect of 1.01 points for every one point increase in measurement-time and a level effect of 10.33 points. That is, with the beginning of the intervention (the B-phase) the score increases by \(5 x 1.01 + 10.33 = 15.38\) points (the measurement-time is increases by five, from one to six, at the first session of phase B).

9.3 Adding additional predictors

In more complex analyses, additional predictors can be included in the piecewise regression model.

To do this, we have to change the regression formula ‘manually’ by applying the update argument. The update argument allows to change the underlying regression formula. To add a new variable named for example newVar, set update = .~. + newVar. The .~. part takes the internally build model formula (based on the number of phases in your model and the setting of the slope, level, and trend arguments) and + newVar adds a variable called newVar to the equation.

Here is an example adding the control variable cigarrets to the model:

plm(exampleAB_add, update = .~. + cigarrets)
Piecewise Regression Analysis

Contrast model: W / level = first, slope = first

Fitted a gaussian distribution.
F(4, 35) = 5.87; p = 0.001; R² = 0.402; Adjusted R² = 0.333

                            B   2.5%  97.5%    SE      t     p delta R²
Intercept              48.971 43.387 54.555 2.849 17.189 0.000         
Trend day               0.392 -0.221  1.005 0.313  1.253 0.218    0.027
Level phase Medication  3.459 -3.382 10.301 3.490  0.991 0.328    0.017
Slope phase Medication -0.294 -0.972  0.384 0.346 -0.850 0.401    0.012
cigarrets              -0.221 -1.197  0.755 0.498 -0.443 0.660    0.003

Autocorrelations of the residuals
 lag    cr
   1  0.20
   2 -0.19
   3 -0.16
Ljung-Box test: X²(3) = 4.33; p = 0.228 

Formula: wellbeing ~ day + phaseMedication + interMedication + cigarrets

The output of the plm-function shows the resulting formula for the regression model that includes the cigarettes variable:
Formula: wellbeing ~ day + phaseMedication + interMedication + cigarrets

9.4 Dummy models

The model argument is used to code the dummy variables. These dummy variables are used to compute the slope and level effects of the phase variable.
The phase variable is categorical, identifying the phase of each measurement. Typically, categorical variables are implemented by means of dummy variables. In a piecewise regression model two phase effects have to be estimated: a level effect and a slope effect. The level effect is implemented quite straight forward: for each phase beginning with the second phase a new dummy variable is created with values of zero for all measurements except the measurements of the phase in focus where values of one are set.

values phase mt level B
3 A 1 0
6 A 2 0
4 A 3 0
7 A 4 0
5 B 5 1
3 B 6 1
4 B 7 1
6 B 8 1
3 B 9 1

For estimating the slope effect of each phase, another kind of dummy variables have to be created. Like the dummy variables for level effects the values are set to zero for all measurements except the ones of the phase in focus. Here, values start to increase with every measurement until the end of the phase.
Various suggestions have been made regarding the way in which these values increase (see Huitema & Mckean, 2000). The B&L-B model starts with a one at the first session of the phase and increases with every session while the H-M model starts with a zero.

slope B
values phase mt level B model B&L-M model H-M
3 A 1 0 0 0
6 A 2 0 0 0
4 A 3 0 0 0
7 A 4 0 0 0
5 B 5 1 1 0
3 B 6 1 2 1
4 B 7 1 3 2
6 B 8 1 4 3
3 B 9 1 5 4

Applying the H-M model will give you a “pure” level-effect while the B&L-B model will provide an estimation of the level-effect that is actually the level-effect plus on times the slope-effect (as the model assumes that the slope variable is 1 at the first measurement of the B-phase). For most studies, the H-M model is more appropriate.

However, there is another aspect to be aware of. Usually, in single case designs, the measurement times are coded as starting with 1 and increasing in integers (1, 2, 3, …). At the same time, the estimation of the trend effect is based on the measurement time variable. In this case, the estimate of the model intercept (usually interpreted as the value at the beginning of the study) actually represents the estimate of the starting value plus one times the trend effect. Therefore, I have implemented the W model (since scan version 0.54.4). Here the trend effect is estimated for a time variable shifted to start at 0. As a result, the intercept represents the estimated value at the first measurement of the study. The W model treats slope estimation in the same way as the H-M model. That is, the measurement-time for calculating the slope effect is set to 0 for the first session of each phase. Since scan version 0.54.4 the W model is the default.

values phase level B&L-M and H-M W B&L-M H-M and W
3 A 0 1 0 0 0
6 A 0 2 1 0 0
4 A 0 3 2 0 0
7 A 0 4 3 0 0
5 B 1 5 4 1 0
3 B 1 6 5 2 1
4 B 1 7 6 3 2
6 B 1 8 7 4 3
3 B 1 9 8 5 4

9.5 Designs with more than two phases: Setting the right contrasts

For single case studies with more than two phases, things get a bit more complicated. Applying the models described above to three phases would result in a comparison between each phase and the first phase (usually phase A). That is, the regression weights and significance tests indicate the differences between each phase and the values from phase A. Another common use is to compare the effects of a phase with the previous phase.

As of scan version 0.54.4, plm allows to set a contrast argument. contrast = "first" (the default) will compare all slope and level-effects to the values in the first phase. contrast = "preceding" will compare the slope and level-effects to the preceding phase.

For the preceding contrast, the dummy variable for the level-effect is set to zero for all phases preceding the phase in focus and set to one for all remaining measurements. Similarly, the dummy variable for the slope-effect is set to zero for all phases preceding the phase in focus and starts at zero (or one, depending on the model setting, see Section 9.4) for the first measurement of the target phase and increases until the last measurement of the case.

You can set the contrast differently for the level and slope effects with the arguments constrast_level and contrast_slope. Both can be either "first" or "preceding".

(Note: Prior to scan version 0.54.4, the option model = "JW" was identical to model = "B&L-B", contrast = "preceding").

values phase mt B C B C B C B C
3 A 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 A 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 A 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 A 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 B 5 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
3 B 6 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0
4 B 7 1 0 3 0 1 0 3 0
6 B 8 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 0
3 B 9 1 0 5 0 1 0 5 0
7 C 10 0 1 0 1 1 1 6 1
5 C 11 0 1 0 2 1 1 7 2
6 C 12 0 1 0 3 1 1 8 3
4 C 13 0 1 0 4 1 1 9 4
8 C 14 0 1 0 5 1 1 10 5

9.6 Understanding and interpreting contrasts

In this section, we will calculate four plm models with different contrast settings for the same single-case data.

The example scdf is the case ‘Marie’ from the exampleABC scdf (exampleABC$Marie)

Figure 9.3: Example dataset

The dark-red lines indicate the intercept and slopes when calculated separately for each phase. They are:

Table 9.1: Intercept, slope, and number of measurements calculated separately for each phase
intercept slope n
phase A 60.618 -1.915 10
phase B 74.855 -0.612 10
phase C 68.873 -0.194 10

Now we estimate a plm model with four contrast settings (see Table 9.2):

Table 9.2: Estimates of a piecewise-linear regression with contrast models “first” and “preceding”.
Contrast level Contrast slope intercept trend level B level C slope B slope C
first first 60.618 -1.915 33.388 46.558 1.303 1.721
preceding preceding 60.618 -1.915 33.388 0.139 1.303 0.418
first preceding 60.618 -1.915 33.388 33.527 1.303 0.418
preceding first 60.618 -1.915 33.388 13.170 1.303 1.721

9.6.1 Phase B estimates

All regression models in Table 9.2 have the same estimates for intercept and trend. These are not affected by the contrasts and are identical to those for phase A in Table 9.1. In addition, in Table 9.2, the estimates for levelB and slopeC are identical since all models contrast the same phase (the first and the preceding phase are both phase A). The values here can be calculated from Table 9.12:

\[ levelB = intercept_{phaseB} - (intercept_{phaseA} + n_{PhaseA} * slope_{phaseA}) \tag{9.1}\]

\[ 33.388 \approx 74.855 - (60.618 + 10*-1.915) \]

\[ slopeB = slope_{phaseB} - slope_{phaseA} \tag{9.2}\]

\[ 1.303 \approx -1.915 - (-0.612) \]

9.6.2 Phase C estimates

The levelC and slopeC estimates of the regression models in Table 9.2 are different for the various contrast models. Depending on the contrast setting, the estimates “answer” a different question. Table 9.3 provides interpretation help.

Table 9.3: Interpretations of the effect estimates in various contrast conditions
Contrast level Contrast slope Interpretation of level C effect Interpretation slope C effect
first first What would be the value if phase A had continued until to the start of phase C and what is the difference to the actual value at the first measurement of phase C? What is the difference between the slopes of phase C and A3?
preceding preceding What would be the value if phase B had continued to the start of phase C and what is the difference to the actual value at the first measurement of phase C? What is the difference between the slopes of phase C and B?
first preceding What would be the value if phase A had continued until the start of phase C (assuming a slope effect but no level effect in phase B)? And what is the difference to the actual value at the first measurement of phase C? What is the difference between the slopes of phase C and B?
preceding first What would be the value if phase B had continued until the start of phase C (assuming a level but no slope effect in phase B)? And what is the difference to the actual value at the first measurement of phase C? What is the difference between the slopes of phase C and A?

All four models are mathematically equivalent, i.e. they produce the same estimates of the dependent variable. Bellow I will show how the estimates from the piecewise regression models relate to the simple regression estimates from Table 9.1. These are \(intercept_{phaseC} = 68.873\) and \(slope_{phaseC} = -0.194\).

Level first and slope first contrasts

Table 9.2 estimates a levelC increase of 46.558 compared to phase A (the intercept) and a slopeC increase of 1.721.

\[ levelC = intercept_{phaseC} - (Intercept_{phaseA} + n_{phaseA+B} * slope_{phaseA}) \tag{9.3}\]

\[46.558 \approx 68.873 - (60.618 + 20*-1.915) \]

\[ slopeC = slope_{phaseC} - slope_{phaseA} \tag{9.4}\]

\[1.721 \approx -0.194 - (-1.915)\]

Level preceding and slope preceding contrasts

Table 9.2 estimates a levelC increase of 0.139 compared to phase B and a slopeC increase of 0.418.

\[ levelC = intercept_{phaseC} - (intercept_{phaseB} + n_{phaseB} * slope_{phaseB}) \tag{9.5}\]

\[0.139 \approx 68.873 - (74.855 + 10*-0.612)\]

\[ slopeC = slope_{phaseC} - slope_{phaseB} \tag{9.6}\]

\[0.418 \approx -0.194 - (-0.612)\]

Level first and slope preceding contrasts

Table 9.2 estimates a levelC increase of 33.388 compared to phase A and a slopeC increase of 0.418.

\[ levelC = intercept_{phaseC} - (intercept_{phaseA} + n_{phaseA} * slope_{phaseA} + n_{phaseB} * slope_{phaseB}) \tag{9.7}\]

\[ 33.527 \approx 68.873 - (60.618 + 10 * -1.915 + 10 * -0.612) \]

\[ slopeC = slope_{phaseC} - slope_{phaseB} \tag{9.8}\]

\[0.418 \approx -0.194 - (-0.612)\]

Level preceding and slope first contrasts

Table 9.2 estimates a levelC increase of 13.170 compared to phase B and a slopeC increase of 1.721.

\[ levelC = intercept_{phaseC} - (intercept_{phaseB} + n_{phaseB} * slope_{phaseA}) \tag{9.9}\]

\[ 13.170\approx 68.873 - (74.855 + 10*-1.915) \]

\[ slopeC = slope_{phaseC} - slope_{phaseA} \tag{9.10}\]

\[ 1.721 \approx -0.194 - (-1.915) \]